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Tanzania Agricultural Development Bank Limited (TADB) is a Government Institution established under the Companies Act, 2002 and licensed under the provisions of the Banking and Financial Institutions Act No 5 of 2006 and the Banking and Financial Institutions (Development Finance)
Regulations, 2012. The bank has the following key objectives:
To catalyze credit delivery to the agricultural sector and thereby accelerate agricultural growth;
To lead, as an apex agricultural financing bank, in capacity building strategies and programmes to strengthen the agriculture financial value chain;
To be an important player in the implementation of the Government’s development vision, policies and programmes, including but not limited to the Tanzania Development Vision 2015, Agricultural Sector Development Programme, Kilimo Kwanza Initiative, Second-Generation Financial Sector Reforms as well as in the furtherance of the National Strategy
for Growth and Reduction of Poverty for Mainland Tanzania (MKUKUTA), and Zanzibar Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (MKUZA);
To build on existing agro-financing activities through provision of short, medium and long-term facilities to the following: smallholder farmers’ groups, savings and credit cooperative societies (SACCOS), community banks, commercial banks and microfinance institutions (MFIs) that are active in lending to the agricultural sector;
To coordinate and monitor agriculture and rural lending activities with a view to maximizing the impact of agricultural growth by working closely with the Ministries and institutions responsible for Agriculture, Regional Administration as well as the numerous players active in this sector;
To assist the Government in implementing its policies on enhancing financial inclusion and economic empowerment in the rural areas.
Download the full advert below posted on 06th June 2020.